Navigating the Fleet Summary page

The Fleet Summary provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of your assets in a tabular view. This VisionLink Unified Fleet page also serves as the entry point to other areas of fleet management within VisionLink Unified Fleet, such as creating notifications and generating reports.

Use Fleet Summary view filters to quickly identify, locate, and isolate assets that require attention. Your assets load quickly because the infinite scrolling feature first loads a subset of your assets, and then loads the next set of assets as you approach the bottom of the page. The Actions bar tracks assets as they are loaded.

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In List view, Fleet Summary can be switched into Select mode, which lets you select multiple assets with minimal effort. Selecting one asset check box switches the Fleet Summary into Select mode. While the page is in Select mode, you can quickly select:

  • all assets
  • all assets that have been loaded
  • individual assets

Note – Select mode is dismissed when you select Actions bar / Cancel Selection or Close. To clear selections while remaining in Select mode, select Actions bar / Deselect All or Select All.

After selecting assets, you can create notifications or generate reports. See Creating new notifications or Generating reports.

Configuring the Fleet Summary

You can sort columns in ascending or descending order as needed. The solid triangle indicates which column and sort are active.

Configure your Fleet Summary using the Settings feature to add and remove optional columns to a set of core and default columns. Some column headers, such as Asset, Location, and Fuel, provide options to apply an additional sort to the display. For example, you want to sort the fuel levels by the last time the assets reported. You would select the Fuel column / Last Reported Time option.

Note – For mobile devices, the Sort feature is located inside the Refine feature (Actions bar).

Note – Only Dealers can add the following columns to the Fleet Summary:

  • DCN Name
  • DCN Number
  • Dealer Code
  • Registered Dealer
  • UCID
  • Universal Customer

What you need to know about assets impacted by the GPS date rollover issue

  • If the asset’s device is impacted by the GPS date rollover issue, the column displays a callout with a red color band that provides more information.
  • If the asset’s device has been updated or is not impacted, the callout column is blank.

The Fleet Summary can be sorted by this column. Reports generated from this page also contain this column.